Fourth Graders

Discover The Butterfly Life Cycle:

Dear fourth graders,
After discovering the water journey, we will discover now, the butterfly journey. How is the butterfly life? From where does it come? Have you ever thought about it?. Let us explore it now.
There is one time i saw a picture that stopped me and made me think and search about it. Do you want to see it with me? Come on.
What do you think about it? I will not tell you what i found. You will search as i did and then tell me your results. Tell me what you find about the butterfly life span. It is a discovery adventure.

Lovely Game:

Dear fourth graders,
This game will be an introduction to what we experience in our daily life situations using our five sensations.
Let us begin with our game. HOPE YOU ENJOY IT.
Put in front of you a paper and a pen and write the first enigma.
"We cannot live without it and it constitutes around 70% of the Earth. We buy it from shops and we can touch it and taste it. It cannot be cut or broken or blended".
Now write the second enigma before thinking about the first.
"We encounter it every day. We can touch and taste. It can be cut and/or broken and/or blended. It is the base to construct a building and it is found eveywhere".
And this is the third enigma. Write it and then think about the three together.
"It is what we breathe.We cannot see it or smell it or touch it. We use it to be able to illuminate. It annot be broken or cut or blended".
Think of these enigmas as related topics together and that they have relationships together.
I will give you some hints to be able to know what is the purpose of these enigma.
Try to match these pictures to which enigma. "THINK OF THE OVERALL MEANING IN THE ENIGMAS".

Discover New Ecosystems:

Dear fourth graders,
Enter this link and then read about each ecosystem. After you finish reading close your eyes and write a small paragraph comparing each ecosystem with its "brother" (another ecosystem) and then we will discuss what you found it similar or different. GO AHEAD!

Pictures from: 1.



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