How To's

Hot Potatoes:

The Hot Potatoes suite is a set of six authoring tools, created by the Research and Development team at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Center. They enable you to create interactive Web-based exercises of several basic types.
All you need to do is to enter your data -- texts, questions, answers etc. -- and the programs will create the Web pages for you. Then you can post them on your Web site. Hot Potatoes v. 6.3 is freeware. You are welcome to use it for any project you like, for as long as you like. You will be prompted to register when you start the application. This process simply asks for your name, and stores it in the system registry; your name will be inserted into exercises you create with Hot Potatoes, identifying you as the author of the exercises. It will not be sent to us or to anyone else. You must insert a user name in order to unlock all the features of the programs. It enables you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.
You can only collect results if you set up Student Accounts for your students. When they log in using their account ID and password, the results of any exercises they download or complete will be stored. 

A Hot Potatoes exercise will only submit a result if it is properly completed by the student. 
Exercises are only completed when all the questions have been answered correctly, no matter how many hints or guesses the student needs to achieve this. Please note that if questions are answered incorrectly, the exercise will remain incomplete until the correct answers are entered.
The only exception is in JBC multiple-choice exercises, where choosing ALL the wrong answers to any question will render that question completed.

Writing Fun:
"Writing Fun continues to be available for teachers, parents and students through the award winning Spellodrome resource.
For existing Spellodrome school and home users, Writing Fun is already available to you! Simply log in to Spellodrome with your existing account details and click the Writing Fun button inside.
For new users, Spellodrome with Writing Fun is available for purchase from For home users, the full 10 day money back guarantee allows you to evaluate the resources with confidence. For schools, a free trial may be available for the Spellodrome with Writing Fun resource. Register your interest via the Free Trial button at and a member of the helpful team will contact you shortly."
Sarah Rich
Spellodrome Publisher

For more information, visit this link:

It is a technological tool that motivates students and enhances their learning. This video tells what you need to know about "clickers".


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