Second Graders

Discover The Water Drops' Journey:

This lesson I did in with Dr. Hagop Yaccoubian at university in the course: Teaching Math and Science in the Elementary.
You all know children that water is a nature component that we cannot live without it. But have you ever asked yourself from where does water come? you may know the answer but for all of you: who knows and does not know, we will discover this "mystery" or "secret" through a nice session in the lab.

This poster tells us that the water has its own cycle that consists of: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
We will need in the lab a bicker, a bunsen burner and a glass cover and of course water (any kind). Hey children! DO NOT FORGET LAB PRECAUTIONS: lab coat, goggles, and anti-heat gloves.
First, we put an amount of water in the bicker (as much you want), then we put the bicker on the illuminated bunsen burner after covering it with the glass cover.
Later, we wait until we see that the water is boiling and making bubbles (water here is evaporating). We will see on the glass cover some tiny water drops (here is the condensation part). finally, you will see that these drops of ater will fall again into the bicker (this is precipitation).
Now relate this to the nature. When the sun hits the water for long time, the water temperature will raise and then water will goes up (evaporation) to reach clouds and when it reaches the clouds (condensation), the temperature will decrease:become colder. Thus, the drops of water will be more and more heavy: they will be collected with each other forming clouds; and when it reaches its optimum level of heaviness, it will fall again as drops of water (precipitation). This is when it rains. However, if the drops of water reach a lower temperature, when it will fall, it will fall as snow not rain. This is the water drops journey.
This is the bicker with water:

This is the bunsen burner:
This is the glass cover:

Then miss Mc Sue will tell you her story:
Let us listen to her journey as a drop of water. Enjoy The journey my lovely Little scientists.

The pictures are from: 

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